
FTG rotary with Monport Lightburn board

See translation

Hey there! I bought an FTG rotary, and hooked up to the Y axis on the Lightburn compatible board that came installed in my Monport Blue K40. The machine is working with standard flat burning, so supposedly everything is fine until I swap to the rotary. When I power up, the machine does its Double Homing Routine (once quick, backs off and then does it slow) I hit the y axis limit switch twice, and all is good. From there on out, I’m lost. I’ll draw a simple box, and hit frame, and it won’t move. Throws an error int he console saying
G-code motion target exceeds machine travel. Machine position safely retained. Alarm may be unlocked. (Right-click the ‘Devices’ button to reset the connection)
On or near line 2:
Stream completed in 0:00
[MSG:Reset to continue]

After that Ican’t get it to move, I have to restart the machine and try again. I can test fire from the machine, LB just doesn’t have any control trying to frame or burn. The HOME button in LB does work, it will try the home process again, and I’ll click the limit switches twice just like when it starts up.


I have not changed anything from the stock settings other than going into the LB rotary settings and enabeling it and selecting Rotary and not chuck. If I clik the test button in the rotary settings the machine won’t even Home anymore, and have to shut down and restart.

I’m looking all over the place and onthe FTG FBpage, but no one seems to have or know about the Lightburn compatible board from Monport. I’m not even sure what it is, I think its a grbl board, but not familiar with all the flavors (cohesion, smoothieware, DSP, etc…)

    • Aaron

      The normal 200mm available in the Y dimension, is probably not enough play for the rotary axis.
      While using the rotary it will probably be best to disable the soft limits in the GRBL settings of your board.
      With the laser connected, in the LightBurn console, enter $20=0, you should see ‘OK’ returned by the laser.
      After you have finished using the rotary, re-enable with $20=1.
        See translation