
Scan off-set in Lightburn

See translation

Hi guys, I have a Gweike Cloud RF and have had to set my scan off-set in lightburn for 300mm/s at 1.49 mm to remain inside the object I am engraving. This sounds quite a large scan off-set. Can anyone share what off-sets they are using at different speeds. Gweike online help was pretty vague to say the least.

    • Aaron

      I believe, scan offset is to fire the laser sooner or later. One laser may fire quickly while another may take longer… they need to fire at the right time.
      I think it gets used to correct for mechanical backlash on a lot of these… :thinking:
      My machine will run at least 1650mm/s, fun, but relatively not much use. I would think yours should run 500mm/s, but I don’t know…
      And, yes the numbers are rather large…
      Here is an old screenshot… you can see mine are a bit smaller…
      See translation
      • : I had something mechanical (belt) cause the shift above 350mm/s…I think @600mm/s it was around 0.04 or 5… These belts are timing belts for engines and are designed to go one direction… we are using them kind of off label. When I put a better belt in mine, I got better results… It was also a different drive system… It’s still back to mechanics… at least I’d start there.
