
Can’t burn image files

See translation

I’m having an issue burning image files, which I think might be related to a software upgrade in Lightburn. I am currently using a Ortur Laser Master 2 pro on a windows laptop. I typically use the cut functions when I use my laser, and rarely use images. When I first started out playing with my laser I did make a few image keychains, but haven’t done so in a year. One of the people I made a keychain for asked me to burn another one as her old one broke with use. I loaded up my original file (I think I made it with a lightburn version earlier than 1.0), and it won’t burn. I keep getting alarm 2 messages. I’ve reviewed the forums, checked my settings and even reset my grbl to factory in case something was messed up inadvertently, but I still get the same message. Can someone check my settings and tell me what (obvious!!) thing I am missing?

My error message is as follows:
Starting stream

Layer C01


G-code motion target exceeds machine travel. Machine position safely retained. Alarm may be unlocked. (Right-click the ‘Devices’ button to reset the connection)

On or near line 4:

Job halted

Stream completed in 0:00

[MSG:Reset to continue]


Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro S2 Ready!

OLF:OLF 187.



[MSG: Warning: Flame Sensor Disabled by User OverRide]

[MSG: Flame detector Inactive. Luminosity too high]

Grbl 1.1f [‘$’ for help]

[MSG:‘$H’|‘$X’ to unlock]

[MSG:Caution: Unlocked]


My Device settings

Image settings
Thanks for looking and thanks for any recommendations

    • Vasili

      How are you aligning your laser?
      Your “Start from” mode is set to “Current Position”. Are you ever moving the laser head by hand? If so, avoid doing that. Use jogging controls only. You will also need sufficient clearance from laser head to frame if you’re using Current Position.
      Use Absolute Coords to not have to worry about that.
        See translation