
Center Laser and work (Ortur Laser Master 2)

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I am looking for help.
I am trying to make my setup process a little easier but more importantly more accurate.
I would love to be able to put the object I am going to burn in the center of the work area of my Ortur Laser Master 2 and import my design and use the same center point to center the design and then start the laser.
Can :Lightburn be set up to reference the center of the work surface lie that? I do a lot of etch a lot of round objects and the framing process is slow and inaccurate.

    • Gilbert

      Use the hot key “p” to make the object go the center of the workspace in Lightburn.
      As for the center of your waste board, that is gonna be on you. I use a piece of plywood and I have burned reference marks on the board. For small pieces, I will cut a jig out of light balsa or plywood. I burned some wooden coins for my midnight shift co-workers. I screwed a cutting board into the waste board. I taped a 3/32 thick piece of balsa to the cutting board. I made an array of holes in the balsa that the blank wooden disks fit into, just small enough for a snug fit. I dropped the graphics into each blank jig on my desktop and turned off the circle so it would not keep cutting the outlines of the holes. 5 coins heads up, 5 coins tails up.
      In two runs of the cut file, I did 10 coins perfectly centered.
        See translation