Coherent, a supplier of advanced laser material handling solutions, introduced the PAVOS kW Ultra Optical isolator on May 30, which will be fully available in fall 2023. Designed to withstand power of up to 1 kW, this optical isolator is specifically targeted for applications involving high-energy ultra-short pulse (USP) lasers.

(photo credit: Coherent)
Today, the growing popularity of carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) in automotive and aerospace applications is one of the scenarios driving the demand for USP laser processing tools, as USP lasers have the best properties for cutting and labeling these polymer materials.
Coherent's PAVOS kW Ultra enables femtosecond pulsed lasers to maintain superior beam quality at very high pulse energies, according to the presentation.
"We are bringing to market a unique solution that has been field tested with femtosecond lasers in customer LABS," said Dr. Chris Koeppen, Coherent's Chief Innovation Officer. This product integrates our groundbreaking innovations in magneto-optical crystals, thin film coatings and polarization optics to form a vertically integrated product with highly differentiated performance."
Compared to existing products, the new PAVOS kW Ultra light isolator has excellent beam quality and high isolation, while being able to achieve approximately one-tenth of the absorption and thermal lens focal shift. The isolator has a 12mm aperture, enabling large laser beam sizes that significantly increase the laser damage threshold.
PAVOS kW Ultra is ideal for 1 micron wavelength USP lasers, such as fiber lasers and diode-pumped solid state lasers. These USP lasers are increasingly being used in large area sized aerospace and mold parts for laser coating applications to meet the high throughput requirements of the automotive and transportation industries.
Source: OFweek