
Laserbox speed settings seem very slow. 1800 vs 600?

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Completely new here and having a hard time understanding the material settings. In Laser Box, the settings seem to be way slower than the Lightburn settings (e.g., 360 versus 1800). Can someone enlighten me on why that would be? If I put a speed of 360 in Lightburn, the projects are generally 11+ hours to do. I’m so confused and I’m burning up a lot of material. Please help this newbie.

    • Miller

      LightBurn was first designed to control DSP lasers which are available out of the crate with up to 150W of power, water cooling and glass CO2 Laser tubes. These high power machines use a different control language and benefit from working in mm/second.
      The GCode control came second and mm/minute functionality was added to be more compatible with smaller retail diode laser devices.
      LightBurn works in both mm/minute and mm/second and although neither engraver works in Inches, LightBurn supports this as well.
      To get to this screen click Edit, click Settings and select the units you’d prefer to work in. Carefully click OK when done. It’s easy to miss the button or overlook that step.
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      I’ve locked the thread with the header post and I’ve moved this to its own thread so it will be easier for others to find. I assume you folks are up and running.
      See translation