
International team develops 3D quantum storage technology

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The international joint team, including the Ulsan Institute of Science and Technology in South Korea, recently developed an original technology of "3D light quantum memory", and found the phenomenon of "nano crystal bidirectional optical switch" that can control infinite repeated blinking in the light emitting nano particles (ANP).

ANP is a material developed by the team in 2021. At that time, the team induced a chain amplification reaction in ultrafine nanocrystals doped with lanthanide metals, and thus found the phenomenon of emitting extremely amplified beams and ANP. The research results were then published in the form of a cover paper in Nature.

In this study, the team successfully achieved the photostability goal of lanthanide metal doping nanoparticles. Using near-infrared radiation, thousands of repeated switching experiments were successfully conducted in various surrounding environments without any signs of thermal denaturation.

Researchers have shown that using a simple small laser wavelength can control light and convert it to other wavelengths. Near infrared light can minimize Phototoxicity or light scattering, and can penetrate into biological tissues and Inorganic chemistry substances. The infinitely repeatable bidirectional optical switch, like the past CD ROM or CD RW principle, will be developed into faster, more accurate and more precise optical quantum memory technology and devices in the future to store huge data generated by ultra high performance Quantum computer.


Source: Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

    • Miller

      This is good.
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