X axis is backwards on 3d printer
John Trant
2023-08-05I believe I figured it out at least for now. As I did more research onto the problem I looked closer at the edit machine settings. Even though I inverted the axis’s for movement I still had to invert them for homing as well. Basically I inverted X axis ($3) and it threw the Y direction axis and homing for x out of whack. Therefore I changed (inverted) x axis homing ($23). It homed to the right corner (front left) but unfortunately It still did nothing as the Y axis direction backwards now. Obviously the pattern is the same as with the x axis if you change one you need to change the homing as well. Therefore changed both Y direction and Y homing invert (also $3, and $23 respectively). The final numbers were for me $3=7 and $23=3. I did find it easier under the output setting under machine settings in the edit tab to change the settings. The other thing of note and I’m not sure why is any of the previous files I’ve saved and attempt to use will screw up like prior. Although the settings are still changed when I look at the settings on the controller. Also, Thank you for your help Wyked.
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