
Adding scroll bars

See translation

I am a new Lightburn user. It is a powerful tool, and there are often many ways to do to the same thing, but there is a steep learning curve. As a Windows user, it would be nice to have scroll bars available to move around the workspace. This would make it more user friendly for the novice and make it possible to keep the same tool as one moves around. This would be especially useful when I use the mouse wheel to zoom. Before making the suggestion, I read through the software suggestions and discovered that Lightbrun had turned down this option because there were already other ways to move around and this would take up work space. I would sacrifice work space for this feature, but I understand that others might not; thus, it could be implemented as a user choice such as “enable scroll bars”. In the meantime, other than using the move tool, I would appreciate some of the other ways of moving around. Thank you!
