
Cut / Engrave Libraries

See translation

Good evening. So currently I have 2 Co2 lasers (different wattage/purpose machines), 5W UV Laser, and 50W JPT Fiber Laser Trying to figure out a way to combine all libraries into one, however have them categorized. So for example, I have a header value of Fiber, UV, Co2 and under each header then I can enter my cut/engrave settings for each of the types of lasers I have. Obviously you cannot do this within LB so figured I’d give it a whirl with my limited programming knowledge, outside of LB by adding a “Category” tag. this renders the file unreadable.


Is there a thorough tutorial somewhere on the manually editing (or at least the basic setup) outside of the application where I can do this and not have to keep switching libraries every time I move from one laser to another? I mainly ask because I’m trying to use UV and Fiber at same time from same machine and that is possible, just switching libraries is not. And yes I get that I can edit an entry to something like UV-Aluminum Business Card - Engrave but I really don’t want to do that. Would be so much easier and more organized to have sections for UV, Fiber, Co2 and the corresponding settings under each section.


Would appreciate any insight to my though process.

    • Marshall

      I think it associates the library with the device when you save your files and exit.
      Might try loading the proper library for the device, save and exit…
      See if that creates the binding of library to device.
        See translation