This week, PowerPhotonic, a British developer and manufacturer of free-form wafer-scale optics, introduced a new Bessel beam generator at the SPIE Sensors and Imaging exhibition in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

According to reports, the device can achieve a "diffractive output beam profile." Bessel beams have a wide variety of applications, including cutting transparent materials with ultrashort pulsed lasers, "self-healing" of free-space communication links, cold atom capture, and optical coherence tomography.
Dr Stephen Kidd, Head of Sales and Marketing, explains: "The Bessel beam is a non-diffractive beam, which means it does not diffract and diffuse as it travels, making it very useful in a variety of applications. For example, Bessel beams are suitable for optical tweezers because they maintain a narrow focal length in a relatively long beam."
Callum Wreford, Chief engineer of PowerPhotonic Company, responsible for high power optics business for defense and macro processing applications, was invited to give a paper presentation entitled "Beam Combination Module for High Power Fiber Array Coherent Combination".
In his presentation, he explained how to collimate, shape, phase flatten and tiling arrays of diverging laser beams with a power of more than 1 kilowatt each to efficiently combine into a high-brightness beam.
"The optical modules that make this possible are many times smaller than traditional optical solutions and can only be achieved using the laser-smooth, monolithic, free-form surfaces in PowerPhotonic core technology," explains Wreford.
At this exhibition, PowerPhotonic presented a full range of products, including optical tunnel generators, beam shapers for scanners and ultrafart-fast lasers, lens and axicon array homogenizers, as well as single mode and prime beam shapers.
Source: OFweek