AutomationDirect now offers SureServo2 servo systems that accept 460 Vac three-phase input power. With output power from 400W to 15kW, these 12 new perfectly matched sets of servo motors, drives, cables and accessories have all the features of our existing SureServo2 servo systems: onboard motion controller with registration, electronic camming and event-based logic control, 24-bit encoders for precise feedback, Safe Torque Off (STO) for machine safety compliance, option modules for EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP, professionally manufactured cables in 4 convenient lengths, and more.

Just like the 120/240 VAC models, the new servo systems accept pulse and direction inputs (or CW/CCW pulses), analog velocity or torque (±10V) inputs, external encoder (follower) signals, and allow full command and control across EtherNet/IP or Modbus TCP Ethernet networks.
These servo systems can be programmed via the front panel keypad or use the free configuration software; built-in oscilloscope and multiple auto-tuning modes can perfect your system’s performance.
Source: motioncontroltips