
Controller/lightburn/manfiele rotary problem

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So I have a RDC6432G on my Omtech laser. I’m having problems getting my rotary to work.


I have seen posts about when enabling rotary the commands are sent out the U axis. This does not seem to be the case with this controller, but if anyone knows how to change it to use U axis, that would actually help some.


I have the Manfield Rotary with a 3phase motor on it. When I run it on the Y axis driver, and set the steps in lightburn to 4100, the cup rotates around like 1.5 or so rotations. No matter what I set the steps to in the rotary config, with rotary enabled, it doesn’t change the rotation amount at all.


Now, if I go to the driver and change the driver steps from the default 2000 to 4000, it gets close… about 1.5" off. but still, I can’t seem to fine tune it in any way from lightburn to burn a 2" x 2" square… it ends up being like 2x3.5.


Any thoughts as to what else I can do to get this to work?


My driver is a 3ND583, so my steps are restricted to 200,400,500,1000,2000,4000,5000,10000

    • Gen.Liao

      There are two ways to enable rotary machining
      1. In the user parameters, enable rotation engraving. At this time, connect the rotating workpiece to the U-axis interface and determine the rotation axis step distance by modifying the cycle pulse and workpiece directly
      2. In the user parameters, do not enable rotary engraving. Instead, connect the rotating workpiece directly to the Y-axis. We still consider it as planar machining, only machining the workpiece as a rotating body. At this time, the step distance of the rotation axis cannot be directly corrected by modifying the cycle pulse and workpiece. It can only be modified through the step distance in the manufacturer's parameters ->Y-axis parameters. The modification method is the same as flat machining
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