In modern industrial production, laser chillers are widely used in fields such as metal processing, plastic processing, electronics industry, food and beverage, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. As an important refrigeration equipment in industrial production, the performance and parameters of the chiller are very important, directly affecting production efficiency and product quality. However, many users are not familiar with the parameters of the laser chiller, which leads to problems during use.
1. Evaporator/condenser small temperature difference: normal value is 1-3 ° C. By observing this temperature difference, it is possible to determine whether the evaporator/condenser is working properly, as well as whether the water system is dirty or blocked. Under normal circumstances, this value will be below 2.5 ° C and remain stable. When the value suddenly changes under the same working conditions, it may indicate abnormalities in the chiller unit or water system, and attention should be paid!

The small temperature difference of the evaporator is the saturation temperature corresponding to the outlet temperature of the chilled water and the evaporation pressure, which mainly evaluates the heat exchange efficiency of the evaporator of the chiller unit;
The small temperature difference in the condenser is the saturation temperature corresponding to the condensation pressure minus the outlet temperature of the cooling water, which mainly evaluates the heat exchange efficiency of the condenser of the chiller unit.
2. Supercooling: Used to evaluate parameters such as refrigerant charge and condenser liquid level control. If the subcooling of the chiller unit is within a reasonable range, it can increase the refrigeration coefficient and improve the economic operation of the refrigeration equipment. If the subcooling of the chiller unit is too low, we can check whether the refrigerant is overcharged.
3. Exhaust/suction superheat:
Exhaust superheat=exhaust temperature - condensation saturation temperature, used to evaluate parameters such as refrigerant charge and compressor operation status;
Inhalation superheat=the saturation temperature corresponding to the suction temperature and suction pressure of the compressor, used to evaluate the heat transfer efficiency of the evaporator and other parameters.
4. Current: The output cooling capacity of the chiller unit is small, such as if the unit itself has faults or is not fully loaded. These can be preliminarily judged by observing the operating current and other parameters of the chiller unit.
5. Heat transfer temperature difference: The heat transfer effect is not good, such as severe scaling of the heat transfer tube, which affects the heat exchange of the chiller unit. This can be judged by observing the heat transfer temperature difference between the water temperature and the evaporation temperature.
Source: Coolingstyle