
Attempt to create and print a curved 90 degree marker scale

See translation
I have recently been trying to create and print a curved 90 degree markings scale Tried quite a few methods, but most relate to circular array. I create a 90 degree scale with 1 deg graduations and then by working right to left (green box) I try to shorten and align groups of 4. i.e. long stoke 4 shorter ones and another long etc.
When i do this the 4 lines tilt to the side and are no longer paralell to the long strokes. Tried editing these manually but it upsets the accuracy. Also when I print depending upon the vector of the laser head I get wiggly lines. Slowed the nachine down and that got rid of the wiggly lines but seemed to then miss parts of lines and put them in the wrong place. Also tried anchoring the machine down to try and stop movement. Has anyone got any ideas please?
    • Kevin

      I think this is what you’re trying to achieve. I used the circular array twice to get this. The first time I drew the short line and had it set for 0 to 90* with 90 copies. Then i duplicated the o* line and made the duplicate longer and put it on a different layer for clarity. I used the circular array again but set the number of copies to 18 and this is the result. You can go through and delete the short lines from under the long lines.
      See translation