
Sculpfun S9 crash

See translation
I have been installing S9 for a few months now, and a few days ago I decided to give it a try.
I returned to my original position, but strangely, the machine got stuck after traveling a few centimeters. I exerted a little force, and it traveled a few more centimeters before locking again.
I think the strap may be too tight, so I patiently loosened it.
I tried again and was confident that I had solved the problem, but everything remained the same.
Although this may seem absurd to me, nothing in electronic products is taken for granted. I still have to ask: could it be a problem with the motor, even if it's new?
    • Payson

      Check if the entire mechanical part is clean and flowing smoothly, check if the cables are neat (tap them with a tester), and if the connections are good. If everything is normal, please check the calibration of the two A4988 current setting adjusters on the board.
      Just to give a few examples... Before deciding whether an engine is responsible, various factors need to be evaluated. In fact, if it were up to me, I would never question them.
        See translation
        • : The problem has been solved, and you are right. With courage, I opened the handcart and discovered a defect. I found that the given distance between the pulley and the frame was very narrow; I loosened it by a quarter turn, and miraculously, everything finally went smoothly. thank you.
