
Generate error gcode when enabling rotation

See translation

when I create a flat project it generates x and y and perfect central position.
if you activate the rotating roller or spindle, the positions are significantly staggered.
then the dimensions are significantly altered as is the starting point on the y axis.
It’s not a roller configuration problem but a problem that I can’t understand the cause of.

It is clear that I expected a variation in the size of the y axis based on the variation in the cm traveled in the rotation, but this is not the case
Thank you


    • John Trant

      That depends on the setting of the $102 parameter. If you changed it for the rotary, you will have to change it back. I admit yours is a big difference. Did you check the $101 parameter?
        See translation
        • : No grbl code I use marlin. In may opinion the problem is bug in lightburn. Do the tests and see that there is a problem with the program. just look at the data generated by the program, it is not a machine setting

        • : I did, before I replied. I set the steps in the Rotary window to 60 where it should have been 80 and the Yaxis travel was les than it should have been. I generated GCode for both Rotary off and on to see what would happen. Using a chuck or rollers makes a difference too. The numbers you posted suggest a roller rotary. No idea how you can fix it on a Marlin controller.
