
The laser head leaves the workpiece and stops

See translation

Hello. I recently upgraded Lightburn to 1.7.03. I am using Xtool Pro for my work. I am struggling to figure out why the laser head goes off in the wrong direction and then stops with a beep. It’s not hitting the limiter switch.

Attempting to engrave an image on acrylic. Lining up the laser on the top left corner of the work piece and it frames the outline just fine. The blue frame is not engraved, only the photo. On the “preview” window it correctly shows the path the laser will be taking.

When I hit start I get a message “cut might be out of bounds due to overscan settings…”. I ignore the message and continue. The laser head than starts moving south-west past the lower corner of the workpiece and stops about 3in outside the workpiece (see red line in picture) with a beep.

I keep looking and fooling around with my settings, but noting seems to work or works incorrectly, rotary is turned off, played around with starting position, etc.

I am not engraving the blue frame line, but when I print it just to see what happens, it does that correctly. It’s the photo, I believe, I am having problems with. Please help pointing me in the right direction to solve this. By the way, It even does that with photos I have correctly engraved previously. I was wondering if the new software upgrade reset some values I am not aware of. Thank you for any help you might be able to give me.


    • Smith

      Have you tried moving father from the edge to see if it will engrave?
      And it does seem like Lightburn has a knack of changing things on occasion when updating.
        See translation
        • : Thanks. Yes, I have moved the workpiece to different areas with no luck. By the way, as the head moves down and to the left the laser is NOT on.

      • Christian

        The initial offset values in your Scanning Offset Adjustments looks extreme. This may be causing an issue with scanning operations. I’d suggest adjusting these or recreating your device profile to correct these values. You could disable the offset as a quick test to see if this resolves your issue before making changes.
        See translation