
A new method of using rotation

See translation
I would like to index a foil off a small spool using the rotary unit (repeating shape). Any ideas?
    • Nugent

      Interesting idea. So you want to take a spool of some kind of foil, unwind it (or wind) a set distance, engrave, move a set distance, engrave. I think the linear feature would be the way to go. What kind of rotary, what does the spool and foil look like, how far do you want to advance each increment? Just curious.
        See translation
        • : It’s a nano crystalline steel, can only really be cut by a laser. .023mm x 50mm wide and I am cutting a repeating shape so I can stack it (electric motor core). GCode would be a simple a axis index and mcode to repeat the shape, but I don’t know how to do that with this software. Wonder if ezcad would be the best way to go.

        • : Look at Laser Tools> Repeat Marking> External Axis Setup> Linear. Would take a little mechanical work on your part but the output is all there.

        • : I think the Increments on the Repeat Marking screen should indicate MM instead of degrees when Linear is selected. Maybe should ask the developers but I messed with it not too long ago and it seemed to work OK. Post some photos of your rotary and the spool of foil if you want, I like messing around with stuff like that.

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