
Performance requirements of servo system

See translation

Basic requirements
1. High displacement accuracy
Displacement accuracy: refers to the compliance between the displacement of the machine tool workbench required by the command pulse and the actual displacement of the workbench converted by the servo system.


2. Good stability
Stability: refers to that the servo system can reach a new or return to the original equilibrium state after a short adjustment process under the given input or external interference.


3. High positioning accuracy
Positioning accuracy: refers to the accuracy of the output quantity to reproduce the input quantity.


4. Fast response


5. Wide speed range
Speed regulation range: refers to the ratio of the maximum speed and the minimum speed that the mechanical device requires the motor to provide.


6. Good system reliability


7. Low speed and high torque


Classification of servo system
1. From the nature of system components
There are electric servo system, hydraulic servo system, electric-hydraulic servo system and electric-electric servo system;


2. From the physical properties of system output
There are speed or acceleration servo system and position servo system;


3. From the characteristics of components and signal functions included in the system
There are analog servo system and digital servo system;


4. From the structural characteristics of the system
There are single loop servo system, multiple loop servo system, open loop servo system and closed loop servo system;


5. Divided from driving elements
There are stepping servo system, DC motor (DC motor for short) servo system and AC motor (AC motor for short) servo system.


Source: Network

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