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Tool has started pre-sales for the F1 Ultra, a 20 watt fiber and diode dual laser engraving machine. OEMs have stated that it is a win-win product and its so-called "flagship" model.Fiber lasers are mainly used for metal materials and usually work faster than diode lasers, but other materials have better performance when using diode lasers. F1 Ultra aims to bridge this gap by using a power of 20W ...
Scientists from the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia have made groundbreaking discoveries and discovered a new innovative application of soap bubbles. By transforming these seemingly simple entities into laser sensors, they unleash the potential to detect electric fields and pressures. This extraordinary development has opened the door to various possibilities.Researchers at the University of L...
On April 25th, 2024, the Beijing International Auto Show officially opened, and Guangfeng Technology released the world's first ALL-IN-ONE all-around laser headlights.This headlight is the first to integrate multiple functions such as high beam ADB headlights, color changing temperature headlights, fog lights, ground information display, car cinema, etc. into a small volume headlight module, achie...
近日,从江苏通用半导体有限公司传来消息,由该公司自主研发的国内首套的8英寸碳化硅晶锭激光全自动剥离设备正式交付碳化硅衬底生产领域头部企业广州南砂晶圆半导体技术有限公司,并投入生产。 图:8英寸SiC晶锭激光全自动剥离设备 该设备可实现6英寸和8英寸碳化硅晶锭的全自动分片,包含晶锭上料、晶锭研磨、激光切割、晶片分离和晶片收集,一举填补了国内碳化硅晶锭激光剥离设备领域研发、制造的市场空白,突破了国外的技术封锁,将极大地提升我国碳化硅芯片产业的自主化、产业化水平。 该设备年可剥离碳化硅衬底20000片,实现良率95%以上,与传统的线切割工艺相比,大幅降低了产品损耗,而设备售价仅仅是国外同类产品的1/3。 近年来,碳化硅功率器件在大功率半导体市场中所占的份额不断提高,并被广泛应用于新能源汽车、城市轨道交通、风力发电、高速移动、物联网等一系列领域...
With its latest developments, RIEGL once again emphasizes its pioneering role as a supplier of high-performance LiDAR sensors and integrated systems with UAS. The continuous trend in the drone system industry requires measurement level laser scanners that match the integrated performance of compact multi rotor and high-speed vertical takeoff and landing or fixed wing drone platforms.RIEGL has reco...