
Novanta launches multi axis laser scanning head for microprocessing applications

2024-07-18 15:02:07
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Novanta Corporation ("Novanta") announced the launch of the new generation of multi axis scanning head, the Precession Elephant III.
This next-generation multi axis scanning head for microfabrication provides a simple upgrade path for existing and new customers to meet the growing market demand with faster and more accurate performance.

The Precision Elephant III (PE III) utilizes proprietary optical and digital electronic technologies to achieve faster drilling performance, wider laser source compatibility, a minimum spot size of<8 microns, unparalleled processing details, and integrates an alignment camera to accelerate system integration.

The main features include:
Leading high-speed servo motor in the industry, achieving excellent processing speed
Unparalleled micro precision, capable of handling complex geometric shapes
Unique laser drilling capability achieved through circular polarization
Multiple wavelength compatibility, suitable for a wide range of materials
Maximizing the flexibility of laser source integration
Provide a complete subsystem solution, including laser controller options
Intelligent and fast machine integration

The use of circularly polarized beams ensures the uniformity of material energy absorption, completely independent of the incident angle and utilizing the XY motion of a multi axis scanning head. This makes the entrance and exit edges of the hole smooth during the drilling process, resulting in clean process results.

In addition to its high-performance microfabrication capabilities, PE III also provides reliable engineering design. After extensive evaluation by Novanta Application Laboratory using state-of-the-art testing equipment, PE III will provide fast and efficient material processing to meet the most complex application requirements.

Micro machining, especially drilling with different geometries and taper angles, requires extremely high levels of detail and repeatable and fast performance.

The design of the Precession Elephant III precisely addresses these specific challenges. Our engineering team's unwavering pursuit of detail and performance is fully reflected in the impressive results achieved by this multi axis scanning head Product manager Daniel Schwab said.

Novanta is a trusted technology partner for OEMs in the medical and advanced industrial technology markets, with deep proprietary technologies in precision medicine and manufacturing, medical solutions, as well as robotics and automation.

Novanta provides a competitive advantage for OEMs and system architects as the sole supplier of integrated laser subsystems and critical core components. Unlike other laser or beam transmission suppliers that are limited to one technology and cannot provide various solutions to meet customer needs, this company offers individual components and configured subsystems to meet customer needs with one point of contact.

Source: OFweek

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