
Rotary settings not saving to save file

See translation

Hi guys,

I’ve been using Lightburn for some time now with my 50w JPT Fiber laser.
I’ve just recently installed and setup my rotary, my problem is once I have successfully setup the rotary for the current project and run project, then saved it for multiple runs. I then create a new project which requires a different rotary config, set that up and save it.
When I return to first project and load it up the rotary settings do not update to the requirements of that project but come up as the last project which used rotary.

Should the rotary settings save to project?
If not users are very likely to ruin jobs if they do not double and triple check settings for specific rotary jobs, can this feature be added??
Regards and thanks in advance.
I’m running a Mac-Mini M1 with LB 1.3.01

    • Williams

      Depending on the size and type of your project you may need to change “split” to match / be compatible with dot size being used, along with project diameter and possible start position etc
      So quite a few things can change between projects, like for annealing stainless steel, you’d use a different dot size to removing powder coatings from tumblers!
      Also to add, obviously the step per full rotation would remain the same for every project as it is rotary based.
      Also what if you had more than one rotary and the steps per full rotation were different, a rotary for rings, one for tumblers and maybe a roller for glass.
        See translation