
Copy along path bug

See translation

I’m making a small drawstring bag.

I created a rectangle 100mm x 140mm. I then put a radius of 50mm on the bottom 2 corners making a cup or shield sort of shape (rounded bottom of the bag). Then I created a tool layer (T2) by using the Offset Shapes tool and shrinking by 4 to create my stitch line. Using the Edit Nodes tool, I deleted the top line leaving a “U” shape as my stitch line.

I create a 1mm circle and positioned it (centered) on the top left corner of the stitch line. I then selected the circle and the stitch line and did Arrange | Copy Along Path.

The result is roughly a “W” type shape of the 1mm holes. They go down the left side but then instead of following the curve of the bottom of the “U”, they curve upwards and over to the right vertical side. See pic below

What am I doing wrong here?

    • jessie

      When I first used the tool I got a bunch of unexpected results. The two key bits that seem to be the most relevant:
      The relative position of the object to be copied with respect to the path is relevant. You really want this positioned close to the “start” of the path.
      The direction and “start” node are relevant in behavior.
      Check out these 2 examples. The left is where the circle was placed at the start node of the square (top-left). The right is where the circle was place on the lower-right node.
      You can identify the start node and direction by using the “Set shape start point” tool.
      See translation