
Cutting curved sections does not work well (not cut all the way through)

See translation

Hi :slight_smile:
I’m using LightBurn for a while now. There’s a problem I keep having where angled\curved sections of my designs are not cut through. Cuts would work perfectly in the x/y directions, but when the movement involves x&y motion at the same time, cutting does not work as well.
See the attached images - paths at about 45 degrees were not cut all the way through.
Any ideas? Looks like the software is over-compensating for something but I have no idea what. All I know is that the problem is not the material itself.
Thanks in advance!

    • Christian

      In general GRBL implementations will reduce power when decelerating/accelerating as what occurs in the change of direction in a corner.
      The amount of reduction is directly affected by the perceived scale of speed reduction.
      I suspect 2 potential things happening here:
      1. Your machine is reducing speed (and thus power) considerably due to your speed settings. You could try reducing your initial speed to see if this goes away.
      2. This could be a firmware bug and the implementation from xTool is simply over-reducing power during deceleration. xTool implementations have many similar firmware bugs so wouldn’t surprise me if this were the case.
        See translation