
This Swiss machine tool company opens a new medical center to support solutions such as laser processing

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Recently, Swiss machine tool company GF Machining Solutions announced the opening of a new medical center at its factory in Lincolnshire, Illinois, USA. The new center will provide comprehensive application support and production technology for manufacturers in the medical industry, including precision milling, electrical discharge machining, laser processing/laser texturing, micromachining, and automation.


GF Machining Solutions will hold special celebrations for the grand opening of the new center on April 19th and April 20th at the nearby GF Machining Solutions micro factory. At that time, visitors will have the opportunity to visit more than 50000 square feet of advanced facilities and experience advanced technology for producing key medical components. The event will also showcase the company's fully automated order to production system and dedicated control demonstrations.


In the new center, manufacturers will have the opportunity to gain access to GF's industry-leading medical application support team for machining solutions. With extensive experience in the manufacturing of complex, high-precision parts, the company will provide technical solutions for improving the production and manufacturing of medical supplies such as devices, orthopedic and trauma implants, consumables, dental parts, packaging, and so on.


GF Machining Solutions is one of the world's leading suppliers of precision machining and precision parts manufacturing solutions. Recently, at the Open Day event held at the Laser Technology Center in Geneva, Switzerland, the company presented its new ultra fast femtosecond laser devices, Laser S 1000 U fs and Laser S 1200 U fs, in advance. Both solutions are equipped with new ultrashort pulse laser light sources and are now on the market. In addition, GF Machining Solutions' AgieCharles LASER S 1000 U fs and AgieCharles LASER S 1200 U fs are now equipped with fiber optic femtosecond lasers, which will ensure that the laser processing process can create the finest detail, improve quality and maintain high performance, as well as process a wider range of materials.


The power, flexibility, and accuracy of lasers enable this technology to be used in a wide range of medical related applications. Lasers are increasingly used in the manufacture of medical devices, such as assisting in the manufacture of precision machining medical stents, creating fine and controllable fluid delivery devices, and so on. It can be used to process or build microscopic machine components, or to label them with tracking data to ensure they comply with the latest regulations.


In addition, with the increasing number of applications where metal components and equipment need to be connected, laser welding has become the preferred process for many manufacturers. "Lasers can accurately connect individual components to create structural bonding, or form sealing structures to avoid leakage or penetration. High precision welding can even be used for processing very small components.".


Source: OFweek Laser Network

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