
Hydraulic transmission system fault diagnosis and troubleshooting steps

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1. Make preparations for troubleshooting

Read the hydraulic equipment instruction manual and hydraulic system diagram, master the hydraulic system structure, working principle, performance and equipment requirements for hydraulic system; Master the structure, working principle and performance of all hydraulic components in the hydraulic system; Read the relevant files of equipment use, master such as manufacturer, manufacturing date, hydraulic parts condition, faults occurred during use and original records of treatment methods, etc.


2. Scene investigation

Find out the fault phenomenon on site, carefully observe, fully grasp its characteristics. Understand the operation of the equipment before and after the fault, and find out all the factors related to the fault.


3. Analyze and judge

On the basis of the scene investigation, make a preliminary judgment analysis of the possible causes of failure, and list the possible causes of failure.

When analyzing and judging, we should pay attention to: first, we should fully consider the impact of external factors on the system, find out that it is indeed not caused by external reasons, and then focus on the internal system to find out the reason.

Secondly, when analyzing and judging, we must consider the mechanical, electrical and hydraulic three aspects together, and we must not consider the hydraulic system alone.

Thirdly, it is necessary to distinguish between accidental and inevitable failures. For the inevitable failure, to carefully analyze the cause, and completely eliminate; For the occasional failure, as long as the cause is found and eliminated.


4. Adjust the test

Adjustment test is a cycle test of pressure, flow and action for the mechanical equipment that can still run after the above analysis and judgment of the fault causes listed, so as to remove the false and to further confirm and find out which is more likely to cause the fault. The adjustment test can be carried out one by one according to the fault causes listed, in the order of first easy and then difficult. If you are not sure, you can first direct test on the suspected cause of the larger part.


5. Remove and check

Disassembly inspection is to disassemble and inspect the identified fault cause after adjustment test. When opening, attention should be paid to maintain the original state of the parts, carefully check the relevant parts, do not touch the relevant parts with your hands, to prevent the hand dirt on the part.


6. Rectify the fault

Repair or replace the fault parts detected. Do not deal with them carelessly.


7. Retry and effect test

After carefully handling the fault according to the technical rules, test again. Observe the effect and compare it with the original fault phenomenon. If the fault has been removed, it is confirmed that the fault analysis judgment and treatment is correct; If the fault has not been removed, it is necessary to treat the other suspected causes and parts in the same way until the fault disappears.


8. Fault cause analysis and summary

After the fault is removed according to the above steps, it is necessary to conduct a careful qualitative and quantitative analysis and summary of the fault phenomena and causes, so as to draw a correct conclusion on the causes and rules of the fault, so as to improve the ability to deal with the fault, accumulate experience, and prevent the recurrence of similar faults.

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