TwoTrees TS2 20W newbie autofocus confusion
2023-04-18I don’t have any familiarity with your specific machine but can provide some insight on the g-code. "The first macro is called Z lift 20mm. The gcode for this macro is G1 Z20. This is where my confusion begins. It seems it should move the z-axis up 20mm. It is unclear where the starting point is, however." The meaning of “G1 Z20” could depend on the state of the controller. Under G90 that would mean absolute Z20 position. Under G91 it would mean move +20mm on Z axis. "Shouldn’t there be something to define the zero point?" Yes. This assumes that some Z0 has been established. "I have no idea what the $HZ means." This means home the Z-axis. "The G91 tells to move from the current position" This means use relative motion. "G1 Z0 should move the z-axis by zero(?). Doesn’t this just mean don’t move?" Yes. This will move the laser 0 mm on the Z relative to current position. Note sure what the value of this whole thing is but it seems to me that the main purpose is homing. Does Z-axis home high or low? Meaning is it far from the material or close to the material? And what is position of Z after homing? "If I want to autofocus on a small object, like a dog tag, won’t the z-axis probe miss the object completely?" If autofocus is accomplished with a Z-axis probe that triggers onto the material then yes, this would be a problem. There are ways of defining material height that is based off of an absolute z-home position but that’s a different story entirely.
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