
The Australian company has signed a laser fusion energy deal with Spain

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On May 2, HB11 Energy, Australia's first laser fusion energy company, signed a bilateral agreement with the University of Salamanca and the Spanish Pulsed Laser Center (CLPU) to accelerate the development of clean, safe and reliable laser fusion energy in Australia and Spain.


The agreement will provide HB11 Energy with a new way to access Spain's most powerful petawatt class laser, operated by the Spanish Pulsed Laser Center. Australia does not currently have the lasers needed for this work, and the laser the CLPU does have is a shorter pulse type that is most favourable for hydrogen-boron fusion. Clpus offer a more practical way to achieve clean and affordable energy through laser fusion, and it has already led to manufacturing capabilities that target materials and lasers.

(Photo credit: HB11 Energy)


The Australian government, through the Australian Research Council (ARC), has also awarded a $560,000 (US $370,440) ARC Linked Grant for a $1.76 million project to develop HB11 Energy hydrogen and boron laser fusion, The project involves collaborators from the University of New South Wales and Macquarie University, the University of Bordeaux and CLPU.


Spain has expertise in nuclear science and ultra-intense laser facilities, while Australia is also very rich in capabilities and human resources in laser science and technology. The strategic cooperation between the two sides will bring about significant scientific advances in nuclear fusion energy power generation.


Dr Warren McKenzie, founder of HB11 Energy, said: "If Australia is to lead the fusion energy race, we need to build our own national laser fusion energy capability. This is one of many HB11 energy steps towards this goal, which will enhance the prospects for laser fusion energy research in Australia."


Dr. Maria Dolores Rodriguez Frias, Director of the CLPU commented, "Laser fusion has become a major focus since LLNL achieved the first 'net energy gain' in nuclear fusion reactions. At the Spanish Pulsed Laser Center (CLPU), we have the most powerful laser in Spain, which is one of the three most powerful lasers in the world. We believe that this agreement will enhance our capabilities and strength, and then our mutual interest will lead to more environmentally friendly fusion energy over the next 10 years."


HB11 Energy is working to enhance the potential viability of hydrogen-boron laser fusion technology and fully enhance Australia's laser fusion technology autonomy. Last year, the company formed a new alliance to build ultra-high-intensity, watt-scale laser facilities in Australia, as well as to attract global laser technology heavyweights to Australia to boost the country's clean fusion energy generation, indigenous advanced manufacturing capabilities, and ultra short and short pulse laser (USPL) education and talent.


The agreement comes on top of a $22 million project HB11 Energy recently secured to develop a multi-billion dollar fusion energy industry in Australia and export the energy around the world. The funds are expected to support industries and companies working on high-energy laser technology in biomedical engineering, quantum computing, semiconductor manufacturing, protons and related healthcare.


"If the HB11 Energy research project is successful, it will place Australia at the heart of an industry that is the only truly safe, measurable and extremely low cost energy of the future." "Said Dr Warren McKenzie.


Source: OFweek
