
Too many lateral / traverse moves

See translation

My laser is spending 99% of its time moving around instead of lasering and I’m trying to figure out why.

When previewing the job it only shows one traverse line between my two areas of text however during the actual job it actually traverse over 9000 times thus making the job extremely slow. So this has me confused because I thought the preview would tell me this but it doesnt. Photo Attached

So two questions… How can I use preview properly since its not showing the correct traverse, and most importantly how can I stop this behavior so it doesnt take 2 hours to print a card?

Should I tell it to fill shape individually in the layer? I would try this again but with preview not working for me I have no idea to know unless spending more materials and time to maybe see.

    • Cyril

      I’ve never heard of Preview ever not reflecting the actual burn when it comes to traversal moves, and certainly nothing close to what you’re describing in terms of scale of difference.
      How are you determining that the preview is incorrect? Are you basing this on just the final view or have you played through the preview?
      Typically for things like this you’d want to do “Fill all shapes at once” for optimum quality.
      Upload the .lbrn file here if you want a more in-depth review of what’s going on.
        See translation