
Maximizing XTool D1 Pro 20W diode power settings - Diminishing with each use

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Using 20W diode w/xTool D1 and Lightburn updated 1.4.0 version software. Since update to 1.4 version of Lightburn the 20W diode power requires higher settings to cut same materials such as paper, 1/8’ bass wood. Recently cut 1/8 pressed wood at 200 speed and 50% power settings. Closed lightburn and reopened next day and now settings have double for same pressed wood items. Are there initial power settings that have to be configured when updating Lightburn or for that matter when initial settings for unit when first using laser. I don remember ever having to configure laser settings prior to using xTool D1. LA Hobby Guy assited with initial set up and not sure if he configured my laser power settings prior to 1st use.

    • Christian

      An update shouldn’t have changed the laser output.
      The settings are very durable.
      There is one setting for this type of GCode laser.
      S value max = $30
      S-value max is in the Device Settings and $30 is in the Machine settings. You can access the Machine Settings by typing the following into the Console window:
      then press Enter.
      You can also import previous LightBurn Preferences settings by opening LightBurn without a project, click File, then click Load Prefs Backup and pick a file with a date that looks like it would be before the update.
      See translation