
Jinan University used low-cost nanosecond laser to fabricate large area modules

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Recently, Professor Mai Yaohua from the New Energy Technology Research Institute of Jinan University team used low-cost nanosecond lasers to prepare large-area perovskite photovoltaic modules with an efficiency of more than 21%. Relevant research was published in Advanced Energy Materials.


Driven by the "dual carbon" strategy, new perovskite photovoltaic modules are entering the era of industrialization. Overcoming the efficiency loss from small area battery to large area module is a key technical problem to be solved in the process of industrialization. Up to now, there has been no final conclusion in the industry on whether to use high cost picosecond or femtosecond lasers to manufacture high efficiency perovskite photovoltaic modules.


To this end, Mai Yaohua's team used low-cost nanosecond lasers to prepare high-performance perovskite photovoltaic modules. The results show that because of the small thermal diffusivity of perovskite materials, nanosecond laser does not cause a large thermal affected zone, and can achieve a geometric fill factor as high as 95.5%. After parameter optimization, the aperture area efficiency of the perovskite photovoltaic module can reach 21.07%, and the filling factor exceeds 80%. The above results were certified by the National Photovoltaic Industry Measurement and Testing Center.


The research results provide guidance for reducing the efficiency loss of large area perovskite photovoltaic modules, while reducing equipment investment and production costs, which is of great significance for promoting the industrialization of perovskite batteries.


Source: Jinan University

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