
Summary of Common Abnormal Problems in Gear Transmission

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1. Gear operation generates heat
a. Overload or ultra high speed.
The driving load is too large, causing an increase in gear meshing sliding heat generation.
b. Insufficient or incorrect selection of lubricating oil/grease.
Too little lubricating oil/grease can cause oil film failure and increase meshing friction. In addition, improper use of lubricants/greases, such as some lubricants/greases suitable for light loads, will gradually solidify and damage fibers when used in heavy-duty situations.
c. Improper assembly.
Improper assembly leads to increased meshing deviation, tight meshing clearance, and increased losses.


2. Gear wear
a. Overload or ultra high speed.
The situation of excessive load, impact, and vibration with continuous changes is relatively poor, which may cause deterioration of surface properties, pitting, scratches, deformation, etc.
b. Adverse environment.
Normal normal temperature and humidity are relatively good environments. Some transmissions may operate in environments with high temperature and humidity, ultra-low temperature, exposure to sunlight, and environments with high levels of dust and impurities, which can affect the original performance of gear materials and lead to deterioration.
c. Improper assembly.
When the installation is poor, changes in the meshing clearance and center distance of the gears can lead to changes in the meshing rate, unstable operation, and meshing problems, which can cause wear, bearing deformation, and other problems.
d. Improper or ineffective selection of lubricating oil/grease.
The merging of involute gears is not complete rolling, and without lubricating grease and oil film protection, it will seriously shorten the tooth surface life of the gear.


3. Excessive/abnormal noise from gear rotation
a. Impurity intrusion.
If there are impurities between the meshing tooth surfaces, it can cause abnormal meshing conditions and produce periodic abnormal sounds.
b. Overload.
Excessive operating load may cause gear meshing to produce slipping and impact sounds.
c. Improper assembly.
When the assembly position deviates, it may cause the gear meshing clearance to be too large or too small. If it is too large, it may cause the gear to detach and there may be impact noise when meshing. Being too small can cause gear meshing interference, resulting in abnormal sounds in the gears.
d. Loose or worn bearings/shafts.
Loose or worn bearings/shafts can lead to unstable gear engagement, center of rotation jumping, and abnormal sounds.
e. Gear wear.
After using gears in harsh environments or conditions for a period of time, there may be deformation or tooth surface wear, which can cause changes in the original involute meshing and produce abnormal sounds such as impact and sliding.
f. Frequency resonance.
When the meshing frequency of gears is close to the natural frequency of the body, it is easy to generate significant vibration, resulting in significant noise.


4. Gear jamming
a. Impurity intrusion.
If there are impurities or foreign objects between the meshing tooth surfaces, it can cause the meshing clearance to be eaten, resulting in jamming or jamming.
b. Worn shaft/bearing.
Generally, there is direct rotational friction contact between the gear and the shaft. Prolonged friction between metals can lead to damage to the hardened layer on the surface of the shaft, rusting, or increased friction resistance.
c. Overload.
Gear overload may cause deformation or fracture of the gear teeth, resulting in meshing jamming.

    • Tory

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