How many stepper motors can a 32 microcontroller control?
2024-03-25If these stepper motors operate synchronously, theoretically they can control infinitely many. I used a 32 microcontroller to control a stepper motor while doing a project a while ago. I need to control 10 stepper motors simultaneously, and these 10 stepper motors are independent of each other. I am using the STM32F407ZGT6 microcontroller, which uses the TB6600 driver. The microcontroller needs to output three signals to the driver: pulse, direction, and enable. The direction signal and enable signal can be generated using ordinary GPIO, while the pulse signal is generated using a timer, which utilizes the output comparison function of the timer. The advanced timer and universal timer have a total of 40 output comparison channels, so the microcontroller I am using can control 40 stepper motors separately. If you are using another board and also want to control it in this way, you can take a look at the timer resources, how many timers there are, and how many output comparison channels each timer has.
2024-03-25This depends on the peripheral resources and has nothing to do with the number of bits in the microcontroller.
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