
Verkabelung RDC6563FG mit Fuji Alpha smart Plus

See translation

 Bitte um Hilfe, kann mir jemand die Verbindung zwischen RDC6563FG mit Fuji Alpha smart Plus

 Zeigen . Wird für die Z-Achse benötigt alles versucht, aber so wie im Bild stimmt nicht

FFA und FFB sind doch Ausgänge und kein Eingang !

Please help, can anyone tell me the connection between RDC6563FG with Fuji Alpha smart Plus
Show . I've tried everything for the Z axis, but it's not as good as in the picture
FFA and FFB are outputs and not inputs!

Komme einfach nicht weiter. 

Just can't get any further.
Sorry, can't speak English, have to work with a translator!




    • Snow Sun

      yes, as your said. the FFA and FFB are encoder feed back output for the controller(here are 6563 ); the RDC6563 controller will accept the FFA and FFB as a position feed back and also has a position feed back with a capacitor sensor to detect the height of the nozzle and output a analog speed signal to the servo drive to do a close loop control.
      For a Z axis live focus control, it is a little bit complex. if possible, pls send me the servo drive datasheet in English
      my email is :ssh@rd-acs.com
        See translation
        • : Hello, maybe someone can help me, after a long time I finally managed to get the Z axis to work. But when adjusting the height, the Z moves down to the material and as it approaches it also moves away, but does not return to the desired height. What am I doing wrong please help. Greetings Matthias
