1、 Poor lubrication
Poor lubrication is one of the main reasons for gear pitting corrosion. When the viscosity of the lubricating oil is insufficient or the pressure resistance is poor, it will weaken the lubrication and cause pitting corrosion on the friction surface. In addition, excessive impurities in lubricating oil can also affect the lubrication effect, leading to pitting corrosion on the surface of gears.
Solution: Improve the lubrication system, use high-quality lubricating oil, and strictly prevent impurities from entering. Regularly inspect and replace lubricating oil to ensure that the lubrication system is always in good working condition.

2、 Overload operation
Gears must withstand a certain load during operation. If the load is too high, it will cause pitting corrosion on the gears. Overload operation is mainly caused by various reasons such as unreasonable system design, harsh working conditions, and malfunctions during normal use.
Solution: Improve system design, increase transmission ratio, and reduce gear load. Strictly follow the usage requirements to prevent equipment malfunctions and reduce maintenance frequency. Choose appropriate gear materials to improve the load-bearing capacity of gears.
3、 Other factors
The occurrence of pitting corrosion on gears may also be caused by other factors such as poor quality of gear materials, long service life, and high temperature. For example, if the hardness or strength of the gear material is insufficient, it can lead to pitting corrosion of the gear.
Solution: Choose gear materials with good quality, high strength, and suitable hardness, and use them according to the correct usage method. Control the surface temperature of the gear according to the working conditions to avoid the impact of excessive temperature on the gear.
In short, there are many reasons for gear pitting corrosion, and there are also various solutions. In practical use, different solutions should be selected according to different situations to avoid gear pitting and other faults.