
The laser module does not emit light (Atomstack A10 pro v2)

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After a few cuts my brand new laser (Atomstack A10 pro V2 Black) suddenly did not ray (burning / firing), at the same time It is moving properly, fan works, two leds at laser module works (pwm is blue, power is orange).
Such bad behavior exists both: under WIFI via Atom Stack Mobile app and USB control via LightBurn.
I checked similar topics, and my current settings is:
Moreover, I follow this instruction and measure Power and PWM at module:

Power = 12.13 V
PWM while sending S command at console in LightBurn:
S255, PWM= 1.11 V
S0, PWM = 0 V

    • What is your setting for S-value max in the Device Settings window? What is your $30 GRBL parameter?
        See translation
        • : Thanks for your prompt reply! As I mentoined, my current settings is: $30=1000.000 $31=0.000 $32=1 S-value max in the Device Settings = 1 000 $30 GRBL parameter = 1000.000 Here is pics:

        • : From an electronics point of view and rounding the numbers: 255/1000=25%. 25% of 4.5v (5v source) is 1.125 volts. It appears the PWM matches the S value pretty well. So… Go back and check your settings. Many including myself found it is easy to change a setting we did not intend to change. 1. Make sure you are using mm/min in the Settings window (Units & Grids tab in v1.7.x). 2. Check the power % setting. 100% can cause overheating in some machines. 3. Check the speed setting. 4. Make sure the focus is set right (this one gets me a lot) 5. Confirm all the cables are securely in their sockets. 6. No change in material while testing. Let us know the results of your review. The only other thing not in my list is the laser head going bad, but we need to eliminate everything else first.

        • : 1. Units is mm/min 2. I didn`t properly cath what means power or speed settings. So here is Cut and Machine settings: 3. Autofocus is off 4. I ran all the wires,Its ok 5. ok

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