Burning Arial font does not work
4 days agoYou are using OFFSET FILL. There are some trade offs vs. FILL. Increase the lines per inch -or- defocus 10% to blur the edges
3 days agoAs Abel already stated, that’s because you use offset fill. This fill mode is not suited for most use cases and should be reserved to specific use cases where it makes sense / where the tradeoff between speed and quality is ok. Avoid offset and flood fill where possible and use standard fill, this will give you the best results. Offset fill tries to fill the object with lines, but depending on the width and number of lines, there will be empty spaces, where no additional line fits in. Therefore, it stays blank.
: Yup I was using offset fill. I have used it a lot and never a problem but I guess it does catch up on you. One question though where is the defocus ?
: Just move the head up or down a little. Then it will have a bigger spot and might close the gaps. Here is a comparison of both fill methods and why offset fill is not the best option in most cases (though it’s often faster for specific shapes). Both have the same line distance set. You have much more travel distance for normal fill, but it’s filled evenly, compared to offset fill.
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