
How to fix the 'User Origin' setting

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Hello everyone
I have always used the “user origin” setting (starting from the bottom left) but for some time, without me having changed anything, the laser, before starting the engraving, takes a step down and to the right of about a centimeter, forcing me to identify the starting point by eye. Has anyone figured out which setting I may have changed unintentionally and knows how I can return to the initial setting, with which the engraving or cutting started exactly from where I positioned the laser by hand?
    • Tory

      User origin must be set by you for each job, or at least every session. It is not the same as home position. If your machine doesn’t have limit switches(I believe they are optional on your machine) then the home position is where the laser head is located when you start it. You need to place the laser head where you wish your origin to be and click the set origin button in the move window, whether that is the home position or somewhere else on your workspace. You must set the origin.
        See translation
        • : evidently I didn’t make myself understood: I’ve been using the engraver for years (at the moment I have a sculpfun s10, without limit switch) and for years I’ve always done the same, EVERY TIME I started a job I manually positioned the laser on the point where I wanted to start. For about ten days, however, it hasn’t been like that anymore, because if I position the laser in a point and click on “start”, the head moves first down and then to the right about a centimeter from the point where I initially positioned it and only then does it start working. I would simply like to understand if there is some setting (that maybe I changed without realizing it) that can make me go back to when the laser started engraving exactly from the point where I positioned it by hand.

        • : The operation you’re describing is how you would work with “current position” as your start from mode. You move the head where you want to start, your current position. In “User Origin” Mode you must define an origin position by positioning the laser head where you want and clicking the “Set Origin” button. So I would say you inadvertantly switched from current position to user origin. Switch your start from to current position and your workflow should be restored.

        • : thanks again for trying but it is NOT like that: as I already wrote the setting is on “USER SOURCE” and it has not been modified, neither in the past days nor now (it is the first setting I checked, days ago)

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