
International cooperation to develop a pocket fiber laser doped with rare earth metal thulium

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In cooperation with researchers from Germany, France and other countries, the Siberian National University of Russia has developed a pocket fiber laser doped with rare earth metal thulium, which can produce 1600~2500 nm wavelength laser and regulate the laser wavelength within a certain range, but does not affect the stability and power of the laser. It can be used in atmospheric detection, polymer or semiconductor processing, optical coherence tomography, nonlinear microscopy, optical communication and other fields. The research results were published in the journal Communications Physics.


The researchers have carried out detailed research and experiments on active fibers highly doped with rare metal thulium ion clusters (0.8mol%). The modeling results based on nonlinear Schrodinger equation and three orders of enhancement are consistent with the experiments. In addition, the maximum power observed in the experiment is obtained by using a 20% feedback coefficient. The obtained soliton pulse is 580 femtosecond, the wavelength is 1877 nm, and the energy is 1.5 nanojoules.


Source: OFweek

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