
The operating condition parameters of the chiller have a great impact on the safety performance of the equipment

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The operating condition parameters of industrial water chillers have a great impact on the water chillers. The purpose of adjusting the main parameters of the chiller refrigeration system is to control each parameter so that it can operate under the most economical and reasonable conditions. The various operating parameters of industrial water chiller equipment are very important and have a great impact on the safety performance of its work. The more important parameters are as follows.


1. Evaporation temperature and pressure
The evaporation temperature of the chiller can be reflected by the evaporation pressure indicated by the pressure gauge installed at the suction stop valve end of the compressor. Evaporation temperature and pressure are determined according to the requirements of the refrigeration system. Higher temperature can not meet the cooling needs of the chiller. Lower temperature will reduce the refrigeration capacity of the compressor and make the operation less economical.


2. Condensation temperature and pressure
The condensation temperature of the refrigerant can be adjusted according to the reading of the pressure gauge on the condenser. The determination of condensation temperature is related to the temperature and flow of coolant and the form of condenser. In general, the condensing temperature of air-cooled water chiller/water-cooled water chiller is 3~5 ℃ higher than the outlet temperature of cooling water, and 10~15 ℃ higher than the inlet temperature of forced cooling air.


3. Suction temperature of compressor
The suction temperature of the compressor refers to the refrigerant temperature read from the thermometer in front of the suction stop valve of the compressor. In order to ensure the safe operation of air-cooled water chiller/water-cooled water chiller heart-compressor and prevent liquid hammer, the suction temperature should be a little higher than the evaporation temperature. It is appropriate to maintain the suction temperature of 15 ℃ for the freon cooled air chiller/water chiller with a regenerator. For the ammonia cooled air chiller/water chiller, the suction superheat is generally about 10 ℃.


4. Discharge temperature of compressor
The exhaust temperature of air-cooled water chiller/water-cooled water chiller compressor can be read from the thermometer on the exhaust pipe. It is related to the adiabatic index, compression ratio and suction temperature of the refrigerant. The higher the suction temperature, the higher the compression ratio, and the higher the exhaust temperature, and vice versa.


5. Subcooling temperature before throttling
The liquid subcooling before throttling can improve the cooling effect. The supercooling temperature can be measured from the thermometer on the liquid pipeline in front of the throttle valve. Generally, it is 1.5~3 ℃ higher than the outlet temperature of the cooling water of the subcooler.


Source: Xingde mold thermostat

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