
RDC6563F - Autofocus Raytools BM110 doesn't work

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Hi, I'm using the Ruida RDC6563 controller for a fiber laser cnc machine with the specifications of a BM110 laser head with auto focus servo. everything is running normally and have done a metal plate cutting test. but there is one issue, the autofocus function on the parameter layer does not work. but servo A axis runs normally on manual jog. so I have to determine the manual focus of the servo A axis first before the cutting process.
Is there any solution for this problem ?

    • Snow Sun

      there are 2 items should be eanbled . see the picture attachment. 
      the RDC6563 has more functions, user can enable the auto-focus or disable the auto-focus according to different layers. this supply a flexible selection for users 
      See translation
      • : Hi, I have the RDC6563FG-Lite and when I try enable the Focus Ctrl setting I get A Axis error. I have the Raytools BM110 3.3kw Chinese laser head. If i manually move the A axis motors when going to the Diagnostics > Motor Test. The motors move, but when I enable focus ctrl they dont move and I get an A axis error. Do you have any idea why this is?

    • Snow Sun

      please show us the software version and the version of the controller
        See translation
        • : I am using RDCutist V3.02.20(Beta02) and have uploaded a pic for the Ruida Controller info. I have done more testing, the Ruida is not stopping the motor rotation during A axis calibration even when it hits the Proximity switches, making the motor get stuck and cause error 20 on the Leadshine Servo. I think the issue might be that the Proximity switches in the Raytools BM110 are the PNP type, as when they are triggered there is 5V output on the wire. Am I missing something here? Sorry for bad quality pictures

        • : Our controller only support NPN type switches. So there shoulde be a problem. and i need your controller version except the software version

        • : I made new post, Issue was not the limit switches I confirmed they work. The A axis reset fail error is still there. I do not know where the controller version is but on the back there is this RDC6563FG-LITE(EC) S/N: EC563100700082

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