
How to run a auto-focusing function with RD controllers

See translation

Description of the auto-focus function

There are 2 options for the auto-focus function in RD controllers. See the picture below.


                                                             Figure 1 Contact mode

Contact mode is defined with the work table to be controlled by Z axis and the laser head is fixed on the belt on the X Bridge. The probe for detecting the work piece is fixed on the laser head. And the probe sensor is connected to the Limit Z- port.

Confirm the structure and the wiring, and then the setting for this should be configured. The setting is located in the user parameters in the RDWorksV8 shown as figure 2.


                                                  Figure 2 setting for auto-focus function

< Enable focusing function >: if this is not enabled, the auto-focus function will be disabled. That means wherever the function of auto-focus on the panel or software, the function does not work. So if user wants to use auto-focus, this option should be enabled.

<Focus depth>: this parameter means the focus distance between the nozzle and the surface of the work piece.

Notice: if the probe is triggered when the nozzle touches the surface of work piece, the focus depth is correct. If the probe is triggered and the nozzle does not touch the work piece or the nozzle is over-touched the work piece, the focus depth is not correct if user only get the focus depth according to the design. Please consider that carefully.

<Material thickness>:Material thickness is referring to the distance between the surface of the work piece and the surface of the work table. This parameter is only used for un-contact mode of the <focusing type>. It has no effect when the <focusing type> is set to be contact mode.

<Focusing type>: 2 auto-focusing mode that according to the design of the machine. Shown as figure 1 and figure 4.

So as to contact mode shown as figure 1, the setting in the user parameters should be:

Enable focusing function


Focus depth

5(according to the actual design)

Material thickness


Focusing type

Contact mode

The setting in the vendor parameters should be:

Enable Home


The parameters in the RDWorksv8 is shown as figure 3


                                  Figure 3 Z axis setting in the vendor parameter

If the Z axis HOME function is not enabled, panel will pop message on the screen that the auto-focus function is not enabled when user run the auto-focus function with panel.

When finished set the parameters correctly, user can run auto-focus action. The actions like the following:

  • press the auto-focusing on the panel
  • Work table that drove by Z motor will goes up to touch the probe sensor
  • When touched the sensor, the work table will stop and move backward for a distance that defined by the <focus depth>
  • The auto-focus operation is finished                                 

                                                               Figure 4 Non-contact mode

The auto- focus mode that shown as figure 4 is called Non-contact mode. It is different with contact mode. The key difference is the work table is fixed and the laser head will move to touch the surface of the work piece.

So as to un-contact mode shown as figure 4, the setting in the user parameters should be:

Enable focusing function


Focus depth


Material thickness

5 (according to the actual material)

Focusing type

Un-contact mode

The setting in the vendor parameters should be:

Enable Home


The parameters in the RDWorksv8 is shown as figure 5


                                       Figure 5 Z axis setting in the vendor parameter

If the Z axis HOME function is not enabled, panel will pop message on the screen that the auto-focus function is not enabled when user run the auto-focus function with panel.

When finished set the parameters correctly, user can run auto-focus action. The actions like the following:

  • press the auto-focusing on the panel
  • Laser head with probe sensor will go down to touch the surface of the material.
  • When the sensor touch the surface of the material, the laser head will move backward for a distance that defined by the <material thickness>.
  • The auto-focus operation is finished


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