
Need help calculating necesary power to cut 16-Gauge stainless steel

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Hello I'm designing a CNC diode laser machine that can cut 16-Gauge stainless steel to earn my bachelor's at the university.
Since Im new to this enviroment I would like to know how to calculate the power needed to cut that deep, I've searching this forum for answers but all I can find is people estimating 150-500W and not the actual formulas or parameters and the actual research papers that touch this subject are behind hundreds of dollars paywalls which I can't aford.
Any Ideas on how to calculate this are welcomed.
Thank you.

    • Patrick

      I've also attached an article on the melting of steel which gives the enthalpy of melting figures. You maybe able to relate that back to the power requirement of the laser via a process efficiency ratio. You say you are designing a laser cutting machine. If the request is simply what size laser to put on it then 500W commercial machines cut 6mm thick steel. 
        See translation
        • : 500W seems to be the smallest commercial laser they do... Small 50-100W hobby table top machines can cut 0.5mm steel. Its just not about the power you throw at the metal its about the power density, heat transfer and the production rate (ie the head velocity) you want to achieve.

        • : A smaller laser with better optics that can produce a smaller "dot" will produce the same power density then a bigger poorer optics laser etc. Then you have the issue that you maybe able to melt the metal but you have to clear it. So there is a practical cutting width that under, it just re-welds or clogs and over that width you need excess power... Plus the power required is often about being able to pierce the metal vs cutting the metal. Once the metal is pierced the power required goes down..

        • : If your request is more about the machine vs the laser then ask specific questions about machine design. So with your requests you need to be more specific in your question to get the answer(s) you need. Why design a machine that is available off the shelf at a machine suppliers? Just find a commercial machine and copy it? Is there something different about what your machine is trying to do? As you say you must "earn" your degree so keep at it. Peter
