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Gallium nitride (GaN) vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) is a semiconductor laser diode with broad application prospects in various fields such as adaptive headlights, retinal scanning displays, nursing point testing systems, and high-speed visible light communication systems. Their high efficiency and low manufacturing costs make them particularly attractive in these applications.Gall...
Researchers at Busan National University, led by Kwangseuk Kyhm, Professor of Ultra Fast Quantum Optoelectronics from the Department of Optics and Mechatronics, are enhancing signal amplification inside cesium bromide lead perovskite nanosheets through patterned waveguides.Perovskite is a highly attractive material in solar cell applications, but its nanostructure is now being explored as a new la...
Laser material processing has been widely used in advanced industries, ranging from designing and producing lightweight, ultra wear-resistant parts and equipment with complex geometric shapes to repairing damaged or worn components through technologies such as 3D printing of deposited metal powders or deposits.Use laser pulses for surface treatment to prevent fatigue. But the impact of such techno...
近日,从江苏通用半导体有限公司传来消息,由该公司自主研发的国内首套的8英寸碳化硅晶锭激光全自动剥离设备正式交付碳化硅衬底生产领域头部企业广州南砂晶圆半导体技术有限公司,并投入生产。 图:8英寸SiC晶锭激光全自动剥离设备 该设备可实现6英寸和8英寸碳化硅晶锭的全自动分片,包含晶锭上料、晶锭研磨、激光切割、晶片分离和晶片收集,一举填补了国内碳化硅晶锭激光剥离设备领域研发、制造的市场空白,突破了国外的技术封锁,将极大地提升我国碳化硅芯片产业的自主化、产业化水平。 该设备年可剥离碳化硅衬底20000片,实现良率95%以上,与传统的线切割工艺相比,大幅降低了产品损耗,而设备售价仅仅是国外同类产品的1/3。 近年来,碳化硅功率器件在大功率半导体市场中所占的份额不断提高,并被广泛应用于新能源汽车、城市轨道交通、风力发电、高速移动、物联网等一系列领域...
AWOL Vision has announced that it will be showcasing the latest innovations in home entertainment at this year's CEDIA Expo in Denver, Colorado from September 7-9.At the show, AWOL Vision will debut the new LVV-3000 Pro and LVV-3500 Pro laser projectors with Dolby Vision and Control4 integration, and will showcase the latest Vanish TV, The TV recently received the prestigious "IFA 2023 Best of the...