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With the development of groundbreaking components for terahertz quantum cascade lasers, a huge leap has been made in the field of laser technology. A group of researchers have successfully designed a broadband single-chip external coupler with the potential to redefine the functionality of terahertz QCL.The new external coupler is fundamentally based on planar bimetallic waveguides. Its design is ...
Makino Machine Tool Company, headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, and Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology (ILT), headquartered in Aachen, Germany, have collaborated to combine ultra-high speed laser material deposition (EHLA) and near net shape additive manufacturing (EHLA3D) with a five axis CNC platform. The new system developed can efficiently produce, coat, or repair complex geometric shapes o...
Tokamak Energy is currently developing a new laser measurement technology for controlling extreme conditions inside fusion power plants.The laser based dispersion interferometer system is being tested at the company's headquarters in Oxford and will be installed on its world record breaking fusion machine ST40 later this year.Clean, safe, and renewable nuclear fusion power generation occurs inside...
The related paper was published in Heliyon under the title "A systematic review of Inconel 939 alloy parts development via additive manufacturing process".IN939 is a modern nickel based high-temperature alloy that can work continuously at high temperatures due to its excellent fatigue resistance, creep resistance, and corrosion resistance. The unique performance of IN939 is related to the composit...
Recently, Focused Energy, a well-known foreign fusion energy startup, announced that it has officially signed an agreement to purchase two of the world's top high-energy lasers. These two large lasers will be deployed in the company's upcoming factory in the San Francisco Bay Area in the next two years.Scott Mercer, CEO of Focused Energy, stated, "These lasers are currently the highest average pow...