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Aerotech is a global leader in precision motion control and automation, and every release has made the Automation1 motion control platform even stronger and more user-friendly. Version 2.5 brings TCP socket interface (test version), Automation1 MachineApps HMI development, new auxiliary module for motor settings, and improved machine settings for galvanometer laser scanning heads.Automation1 conti...
Hybrid 3D integrated optical transceiver. (A, B) Test setup: Place the photon chip (PIC) on the circuit board (green), and glue the electronic chip (EIC) onto the top of the photon chip. (C) It is the cross-section of the EIC-PIC component with micro protrusions. (D) Display the mesh of the finite element model.The latest progress in artificial intelligence, more specifically, is the pressure plac...
Novanta Corporation ("Novanta") announced the launch of the new generation of multi axis scanning head, the Precession Elephant III.This next-generation multi axis scanning head for microfabrication provides a simple upgrade path for existing and new customers to meet the growing market demand with faster and more accurate performance.The Precision Elephant III (PE III) utilizes proprietary optica...
The Helmholtz Dresden Rosendorf Center (HZDR) has made significant progress in laser plasma acceleration. By adopting innovative methods, the research team successfully surpassed previous proton acceleration records significantly.They obtained energy for the first time that can only be achieved in larger facilities so far. As reported by the research team in the journal Nature Physics, promising a...
The optical properties of photonic crystals are closely related to their lattice constants, which are usually required to be in the same order of magnitude as the operating wavelength. In a crystal material, the photonic crystal structure is formed by the periodic arrangement in space of units whose dielectric constant is different from that of the crystal itself, and whose lattice constant depend...