Deep engraving w/ no burr
2023-05-05I guess I’m not following you… Other than annealing I always have places you can feel the engraving… I’d think if you’re getting a burr of some type, you’d be pushing metal out of the engraving… The tool (laser) is going to give you a sharp drop of the edge… just like a co2 would do with wood when you engrave… We’d have to see the artwork to make any suggestions… if you wish to post it I’m sure someone where can help you with the offset issue… You can use ^Z to back out of edits… once you save/change the project and exit Lightburn or go for file → new, these edit undo queue is not available anymore… When I do this, I save some parts in the art library partially done … Most of us have little to no air assist on the fiber machines. Some people have suggested it to help stop any debris from building up in the engraved area, but I’ve never heard reference to any type of gas that would be beneficial…
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