
Deep engraving w/ no burr

See translation

Hey guys… so everything I’ve tried so far has a burr I can feel with my fingernail.

I found the following info on another forum but I admit I don’t understand it all since I’m still super new to laser engraving.


1. do you think this would work
2. how do I use the offset feature in lightburn to accomplish this?


" hatch 1 10° angle .05 spacing .05 offset in RED 100% power 800 speed 35 frequency 1 loop
hatch 2 160° angle .04 spacing .02 offset in BLUE 80% power 1200 speed 45 frequency 1 loop
hatch 3 310° angle .025 spacing .007 offset in GREEN 50% power 1500 speed 50 frequency 3 loops
use the ‘disconnected’ hatch, NOT the connected hatch…do NOT ‘follow edge once’ on any of these hatches.

DO set the “mark contour” to mark AFTER engraving…


NOTE- marking the contour is done in BLACK, which is why I didn’t use it in the hatches, it provides a needed 4th color …
Set the black color for 3000 speed, 30% power and 60 frequency. THEN, hit ‘advanced’ and turn the WOBBLE on.
Set the wobble for .015 diameter and distance


The idea is this:
The RED hatch digs deep, but keeps away from the edges-
The BLUE hatch digs a bit less, and gets a little closer to the edges, AND cleans up the RED pass-
The GREEN hatch is faster and enough less power to about half the work of the RED pass, but DOES add depth, and cleans up the RED and BLUE passes…

The GREEN hatch is still not quite to the edge, but is close enough-- the BLACK mark-contour pass runs ON the edge, cutting a fast, low power .015mm wide circular swath, which in a perfect world will essentially polish the outlines and remove any edge burrs while doing it…"

    • Jen

      I guess I’m not following you… Other than annealing I always have places you can feel the engraving…
      I’d think if you’re getting a burr of some type, you’d be pushing metal out of the engraving… The tool (laser) is going to give you a sharp drop of the edge… just like a co2 would do with wood when you engrave…
      We’d have to see the artwork to make any suggestions… if you wish to post it I’m sure someone where can help you with the offset issue…
      You can use ^Z to back out of edits… once you save/change the project and exit Lightburn or go for file → new, these edit undo queue is not available anymore…
      When I do this, I save some parts in the art library partially done …
      Most of us have little to no air assist on the fiber machines. Some people have suggested it to help stop any debris from building up in the engraved area, but I’ve never heard reference to any type of gas that would be beneficial…
        See translation