
Newtec introduces an all-in-one laser flow packaging machine

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Newtec's Laser FlowPack700 is the ideal solution for customers who require cost-effective and sustainable technology and respect for product quality. With their innovative high production capacity and reduced plastic consumption, Newtec's laser packaging machines offer a fully automated service that is easy to use and environmentally friendly.


As the main driving force behind the design and manufacture of the Newtec Laser FlowPack700, sustainability is combined with the high level of automation offered by the solution to make operations smoother and optimised by improving production and adapting to individual customer needs. FlowPack700 has a capacity of up to 80 nets per minute and takes advantage of ultra-thin film for high speed, ease of machine use, green operation and quick return on investment.

All-in-one sustainable laser seal with ultra-thin film

Newtec's laser FlowPack700 provides customers with the level of automation they need to make their production processes cheaper, easier and faster. More specifically, fully automated machines combine laser sealing and cutting in a single operation, simplifying the entire production process.


Newtec's laser sealer is in line with the EU-2025 Plastics Initiative, which calls for reduced plastic use and recyclable packaging, and meets customer demand for green, cost-effective technology that saves time and money, especially as EU regulations require companies to pay for their waste.


According to Newtec mechanical design engineers Casper Monrad-Jensen and Andreas Mehl, the laser welding machine saves money and waste because it uses a very thin film and maintains speed and efficiency. Ultrathin film revolutionized the packaging industry by allowing the use of 8μm pure polyethylene (PE) material, which proved to be a profitable investment as it enabled companies to save up to 75-80% of plastic.


Newtec's Laser Flowpack700 is a flexible and economical packaging option for packaging plants looking to reduce costs by using ultra-thin films and thereby reducing plastic. In addition, it complies with the new EU regulations on plastics.


Newtec's laser FlowPack700 offers a variety of packaging applications to pack fruits and vegetables into a variety of punnet sizes that can be pre-adjusted and require minimal film use. "Laser welding is a contactless technology (no welding pliers) that eliminates inconvenient melting plastic on the welding pliers. This greatly reduces the start-up procedure of the machine and also greatly reduces the membrane waste in this area." Its applications include products that meet the width and height requirements of machines in the food and packaging industries.


This will help customers strengthen their sustainability initiatives and benefit from the all-in-one sealer, which also helps them make better use of materials, reduce waste, and both protect the environment and save money.


Automate production with Newtec's innovative laser flow packaging machines

The technology was developed after careful research and with ease of use in mind, but equally surprising is how quickly this innovation has been implemented. According to Casper and Andreas, the project began in May 2022 and will be launched at the Fruit Logistica trade fair in Berlin from February 8-10, 2023. 3D printing parts. With 3D printing, individual parts can be produced on demand quickly and easily. This also reduces waste and reduces production costs and delivery times."


The mechanical design engineers work closely with Henrik Andersen, head of Newtec's R&D department and software developer, and Victor Petrunin, a senior researcher and associate professor working in Newtec's in-house laboratory.


All tests are carried out in-house by top engineers and researchers, and customers can be assured of experiencing high quality technology and the innovation it brings to the market. The meticulous design and manufacturing is a testament to the level of expertise Newtec engineers use to make laser packaging a reality.


Cost savings, automation and simplicity of packaging functions are the three main qualities Newtec offers. As Casper and Andreas point out, complex setups take up time and create the need to train employees so that production performance runs smoothly and efficiently. With Newtec's machines, there is no need to make time-consuming start-up adjustments and operations that can complicate production.


This level of automation is consistent with all Newtec products that have been involved in various projects and have revolutionized the packaging industry. Minimising the use of plastic and packaging waste, as well as making laser sealing and cutting easier, faster and cheaper, constitute the key benefits of Newtec's Laser FlowPack700, which provides an all-in-one solution and improves performance for customers who want to save money and be more environmentally friendly.


Source: Laser Network

    • jessie

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