
Running Mutliple 100w laser machines. Exhaust question

See translation

I’m currently running 3 100w machines. cutting mdf and alder wood at the moment.

I have a decent exhaust setup using a blower from a bounce house and it works pretty well on evacuating the fumes. the fumes go out to a pipe thats outside. (away from anything and everything)

My question is what are you using to exhaust your fumes? particularly the smoke?

I’m just trying to decrease the amount of smoke, I have the blower inside a giant box that has hog hair filters and they catch the bigger particles but not the smoke…

to deaden the noise from the bounce house blower I have a plastic 55 gallon drum filled just a bit with water and have piping running underwater to muffle the noise. works great and does catch some smoke but not all if i can get it todissipate after 5 feet from the exit pipe that would be awesome.

(3 100w machines bed size is 25x35)

I am running a fairly large operation here given I have these lasers running 5 hour days monday-friday.

Cooling is on point, smoke inside the machine itself is zero.

    • Liam

      Depending on the kind of fan you use you have some options. Fumes are always more dificulte to eliminate.
      See translation
      • : Radial:

      • : Centrifugal: Those are the most commune fans for exhaust system.
