
Common problems with laser chillers

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1. How to prevent your laser chiller from freezing?
Laser chillers may require some antifreeze techniques to achieve optimal performance, including adding antifreeze, keeping the laser chiller running, and emptying the water when not in use.


2. What is the standard temperature control for laser chillers?
The standard temperature control for small laser chillers is ± 0.1 ° C, while the standard temperature control for large laser chillers is ± 0.5 ° C.


3. What coolant is used for the laser chiller?
The most commonly used coolant in laser chillers is water. However, more advanced refrigerants such as ethylene glycol are also used.


4. What additives can be used for laser chillers?
In laser chillers, additives such as antifreeze, algae removal agents, fungicides, surfactants, and cleaning agents can be used.


5. What should I do if the temperature of the laser chiller is lower than the dew point?
In this case, please install a dehumidifier and use a closed loop so that the temperature of the laser chiller can be adjusted. In addition, increase the water temperature by preheating.


6. What is the function of the temperature sensor in the laser chiller?
The temperature sensor in the laser chiller detects the water temperature. If the water temperature is too high, they will turn off the laser.


7. What is the ideal temperature for your laser chiller?
The laser chiller works best at room temperature from+15 ° C to+25 ° C.


8. What is the ideal humidity for a laser chiller?
A relative humidity between 45% and 65% is very suitable for the optimal performance of laser chillers.


9. What safety precautions must be taken for your laser chiller?
Avoid direct sunlight, only allow professional technicians to operate and handle the laser chiller, and check the level of water and refrigerant.


Source: FrozenPeishi

    • Robert Evans

      Thank you for sharing knowledge about chillers
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